vBoard is the perfect resource for entrepreneurs & businesses looking to tap into a database of vetted & verified independent professionals. Our unmatched data base of experts in every business related area can provide the right balance & support to help business owners negotiate their challenges and increase their chances for success.
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The dark side of business ; how to navigate it to stay afloat, steady the ship and create prosperity
Decisions and its dynamics by Mandar Athalekar
How International Trade Wars affect us - Chandramowli Srinivasan
Our Mission Is to Empower
Years of Collective experience
Core team members
Registered experts by 2025* (* target)
Satisfaction rating in flagship venture
Our mission at the vBoard is to provide businesses with an alternative to contemporary management structures. Our flagship venture THE SECOND OPINION was launched to help our clients make the best decisions for their businesses by reaching out to our team members in select subjects & domains. Now with the vBoard, we have launched into a more ambitious effort. To provide our clients with a pre-vetted & verified data base of experts in a much wider universe of business related subjects & domains.
Our Core Values
We practice what we preach
As part of this team, we pledge to always act with integrity and to hold ourselves accountable to that same standard.and ethical conduct that we expect the website to provide to the general public.
Each member is responsible and will be accountable to themselves and the website. Each member will hereby take ownership of their tasks and ensure that all duties are completed in a timely and accurate manner.
We will make vBoard a great place to share knowledge and expertise. Our members are experts in their respective fields and are eager to discuss the latest trends, strategies, and developments.
The commitment of members to their subject and to the website is key to its success. Members should always be willing to attend regular meetings, remain engaged, and provide valuable feedback on topics discussed.
The website consists of a dedicated group of professionals aiming to helping businesses reach their full potential. As part of this, they provide invaluable advice and guidance to help guide businesses on their journey to success.
Case studies of customers on how our flagship venture THE SECOND OPINION created value for their business
​From drafting Non Disclosure Agreements to advanced Interpretation of GST Laws;
From clarifying Patent & Trade Mark laws to advice regarding International Trade Finance;
From treatment of Loans to Subsidiaries to Selection of CRM modules for businesses.